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October 24, 2023

🌿 Intentional Living: Create Rituals of Renewal

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In This Issue:

Featured Wellness Message: Create Rituals of Renewal

Recommended Resource: Health At Every Size®-Based Guides for Blame-Free, Shame-Free Explanations of Common Medical Conditions​

My Psychology Today Article: Body Dissatisfaction, Body Dysmorphia and Body Shame Cycles

My Featured Post: What Are People Getting Wrong About Weight and Health?


Create Rituals of Renewal

woman in blue cap and red sleeveless dress​

Hi, friends!

We’ve officially said goodbye to summer — and hello to hitting the reset button.

Summer can be beautiful, exciting and full of activities and people you love. But it can also be chaotic and take you away from replenishing habits and routines.

And for those who struggle with their body image, summer can be especially tough. Temperatures rise and everyone wears less. In a society that focuses so hard on the ideal “bikini body,” it’s hard not to fixate on how you appear to the world when you’re wearing a tank top instead of a big cozy sweater.

Summertime often means thinking from an outside-in perspective: focusing on other people’s perceptions before our own.

But as the leaves start to change, this season gives us a chance to stop fixating on our bodies — and start thinking more from an inside-out perspective.

It’s time to go inward. And today I’m sharing some ideas about fall rituals that can help you reconnect with your values.

Everyone’s rituals will vary. Don’t try to force one into your schedule if it doesn’t work for you.

Make your rituals nourishing.

The point is to get into regular rhythms of restoration that make you feel good — and to break the loop of hyper-focusing on your body, shape, or size. Here are some ideas for creating your own rituals of renewal:

Practice gratitude: Take a few moments in your day to take a deep breath and feel a sense of appreciation. Name three things you’re grateful for. Be mindful at coffee time: Give yourself 15 minutes of “you” time every morning. Grab your favorite fall-flavored coffee or tea, curl up in a cozy blanket, and give yourself permission to indulge in a few moments of calm.Try a new hobby or trend: Every time you learn, your brain creates, strengthens, or connects pathways. Pick something creative or fun and dedicate at least 30 minutes to it every week. Would you consider trying pickleball, baking, photography, or card making? Soak up the sunshine: Days will start to get much shorter soon. So get outside first thing in the morning, at lunch or after logging off for the day to take advantage of the many health benefits of natural light. Make your space your sanctuary: A soothing environment can improve your mood. Set a timer and spend 15 minutes each day tidying up or enhancing a small corner of your home, car or even digital workspace.Weekly potlucks or game nights: Now that everyone is settling into regular routines, it's a great time to connect with friends and family. Get a group together regularly to share a meal, play a game, or watch football.

With loving kindness, I hope you use this changing of the seasons to go inward — and create the rituals of renewal that replenish your soul.

XOXO Dr. Gia

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If you are struggling with emotional eating, my new digital course might offer the support you need: How to Overcome Emotional Eating , 7 Weekly Lessons (plus bonus content) at​


Health At Every Size®-Based Guides
for Blame-Free, Shame-Free Explanations of Common Medical Conditions


“Rituals are the formulas by which harmony is restored.”— Terry Tempest Williams, writer, educator and conservationist


Body Dissatisfaction, Body Dysmorphia and Body Shame Cycles


Megan Fox and 75% of adults report body dissatisfaction. What can help?

Megan Fox — the successful actress and model — recently revealed that she experienced symptoms of body dysmorphia (BDD), a condition in which one is preoccupied with their perceived physical flaws.

“I don’t ever see myself the way other people see me,” said the actress, who at age 37 appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s 2023 swimsuit edition. “There’s never a point in my life where I loved my body, never ever.”

Fox is not alone.

In 2020, researchers investigated body dissatisfaction among 1,019 adolescents. Sadly, 75% of the 13- to 19-year-olds who participated said they experienced body dissatisfaction. Similarly, in a 2022 study of 824 adults, only 25% reported being satisfied with their body size.

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What People are Getting Wrong about Weight and Health


It is possible to be healthy no matter your size.

That pain in your knee that just won’t go away. The wince you feel every time you bend down to pet your dog. The grinding feeling in your joints during long walks.

You know you need to see a doctor. But every time you think about setting up an appointment, images from previous visits flash through your head: the way your heart raced as you stepped on the scale. The flush in your cheeks as you saw the number. The embarrassment you felt when the doctor glossed over your symptoms and told you that you just needed to lose weight.

Come back in six months.

You don’t want to go through that again.

So, knee still throbbing, you set down the phone before you dial. Another week, month or even year goes by without you getting the attention you need.

This situation is way too common.

Our society has always equated the number on the scale with the quality of one’s overall health. But we’re finally starting to realize that assumption may be wrong.

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© 2023 Dr Gia Marson, Inc


Disclaimer: This newsletter and all of its content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our purpose is to inform and educate individuals who want to improve their eating habits, mental health, happiness, relationships, habits, health, and relationship with food. By reading this newsletter you understand that Dr Gia Marson is not your psychologist, health coach, or mental health professional and you are not in any type of professional relationship with Dr Gia Marson, or Dr Gia Marson, Inc, A Psychological Corp.. Dr Gia Marson is a licensed psychologist, health coach, and the owner of Dr Gia Marson, Inc., A Psychological Corp.. The information and education provided is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional mental health treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis or medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.

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