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Intentional eating community
Coming soon! Membership in our intentional eating community will give you access to specially curated resources, online courses, and downloadable meditations that support your wellness goals. Go at your own pace, from home, as you learn to break through barriers, improve your relationship to food, and take your self-care to the next level. Discover the benefits of mindfulness practice and how to create healthy habits that stick. Get ready for positive change through intentional living!
All about Intuitive Eating
Learn to stop dieting, let go of unhelpful eating habits, be kind to your mind, and respect what you can and can’t control. Discover how to apply intuitive eating principles to your daily routines.
Your Life and Health Can Be Even Better!
Start making space for positive changes. You’ll begin by setting intentions for your mind, body, and spirit. Then you’ll customize a holistic plan to help you get there based on your values, goals, and strengths.
You’ll have access to six mindfulness meditations that can help you deal with difficult thoughts, emotions, sensations, and habits. Our 10-minute, downloadable meditations include:
Mindful Eating
Body Awareness
Mindfulness of Difficult Emotions
Mindfulness of Difficult Thoughts
Mindfulness and Anxiety

Get your free copy of A Guide to Intentional Eating when you sign up for my newsletter.
Based on my work helping thousands of people find ease with food and recover from eating disorders, this mini-workbook shares techniques that are proven to help you jump-start a healthy approach to eating. With intentional eating, you will learn to combat the diet mentality, stop obsessing about food, and move away from mindless eating. Get your copy today!
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